Polygon to multipolygon

Polygon to multipolygon. Aug 20, 2021 · I have a geodataframe with a Multipolygon geometry: I would like to convert them to Polygons i. 99), no luck returns nothing. Add(point. All instances comprising the MultiPolygon instance are accepted Polygon instances. In some cases it is an appropriate approach (e. The second list (e. Hence, the type must be determined first, and MultiPolygon only applied to non-Multi features (e. This is likely why your polygon is being read in as a Aug 3, 2022 · Essentially, I'm trying to export Polygons from a GeoJSON format in Python to MultiPolygons. type == 'Polygon': x, y = poly. The following command can be used: ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" output. fromMultiPolygon([[polygons]]). Jan 23, 2023 · This tool separates the polygons in a multipolygon into individual polygons. cast MULTIPOINT into multiple POINT features. shp" the command to use is: ogr2ogr -f geojson union. If polygons is already a list of QgsPoints, all you have to do is QgsGeometry. Get the coordinate array for this geometry. If the input features are of type multipoint, the output feature class will be type point. A multipolygon is a collection of one or more polygons that share at least one edge. ). I am trying to merge the three polygon to make a single Polygon. , simple Polygons). geometry() print geom. geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon multipolygon = MultiPolygon([ I am confused by the output I'm getting from ogr2ogr when converting a shapefile to WKT. That first part is simple. all(): o. This array has the structure of a GeoJSON coordinate array for multi-polygons. This is a utility to merge a MultiPolygon into a single Polygon This tool reads in a GeoJSON file containing two disconnected polygons. 0 as follows: for poly in multipolygon. A sequence of Polygons, or a sequence of (shell, holes) tuples where shell is the sequence representation of a linear ring (see LinearRing) and holes is a sequence of such linear rings. I got a MULTIPOLYGON with following WKT. I want from two polygons. gid, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST Select your features. Apr 23, 2019 · I have a list of polygons where each polygon is a wkt form as follows: Dec 22, 2014 · Is there an easy way of transforming Shapely objects (namely, Polygons and MultiPolygons) from one projection to another without having to dig around and extract coordinates by hand? In fact, I d Computed Images; Computed Tables; Creating Cloud GeoTIFF-backed Assets; API Reference. The problem is, shp (compiled with QGIS) mixes polygon and multipolygon, hence it always fails to do the export because of the constraint check enforce_geotype. polygons - the Polygon s for this MultiPolygon , or null or an empty array to create the empty geometry. 1,0. public MultiPolygon( Polygon [] polygons, GeometryFactory factory) Parameters: polygons - the Polygon s for this MultiPolygon , or null or an empty array to create the empty geometry. Now select the record that you want to accept as the common record for your selected features. To view the coordinate reference system of the geometry column, access the crs attribute: [4]: Nov 14, 2019 · For example, if you know that none of your polygons have holes, you could simply do the following: points = [] for polygon in multipolygon: points. shp input. Add a comment. 0, 1. The data form three overlapping rings that can't be represented as a single POLYGON feature, so leaflet would have to see three POLYGON features - this would make a difference to the leaflet map in terms of further styling and interactivity. countries with multiple islands are represented by a single feature in a vector layer and attribute table) but in some cases there is no reason to have multi-geometry type and even some software strictly requires to To create a new multipart feature, create a sketch of the first part, right-click, then click Finish Part. Share MultiPolygon. To reconstruct multipart features from singlepart features based on a common field value, such as ORIG_FID, use the Dissolve tool. Apr 5, 2023 · It looks like you're using the sf package. Mar 5, 2020 · Shapely Polygon object has attribute exterior. Overview Aug 16, 2021 · Transform a Multipolygon SF object in R from XY coordinates to lat/lon 4 Simplifying polygons in rgeos and maintaining data in SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Jul 27, 2017 · The only solution I can see is creating function that will: remove 'POLYGON' text from geometry displayed as text. It is an empty MultiPolygon instance. arcgis-desktop To get each single polygon from the table including all other attributes try something like: SELECT id, test, ST_GeometryN(geom, generate_series(1, ST_NumGeometries(geom))) AS geom. size of the GeoDataFrame. polygon1: 'POLYGON((1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1))'. >>> from shapely import Polygon >>> ob = MultiPolygon([ ( ((0. Jun 16, 2021 · 14. 7804860757556, 76. A MULTIPOLYGON is a collection of Polygons. Jul 14, 2020 · If I've understood correctly what you want to do this is how I did it, from shapely. MultiPolygons are useful for gathering a group of Polygons into one geometry. 51189278), c (10. g. js , line 246. Worth noting that this will not tell you how many rings the multipolygon has. exploded = original_df. 1), (0. Another use of MultiPolygons is to represent states or countries that include islands, or that are otherwise made A riff off of the accepted answer that is set-based. plot(figsize=(6, 6)) plt. It is not intended to approximate curve polygons. MultiPolygon); Each one of the lists in the MultiPolygon Class (the ones with the two lists inside them) represent the coordinates for a single Polygon. Any help would be much Default-construct a multi_polygon. MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING or MULTIPOLYGON. geom type of query, is that you get multiple rows, and need to use it in a The two Polygon elements intersect at a tangent point. Modified the epsg of the multipolygon in order to match the points epsg. Elements may be empty Polygon s, but not null s. fill in the holes of multipolygon and make it a single polygon. Relations of type multipolygon are used to represent areas ( polygons ), typically complex ones with holes inside, or consisting of multiple disjoint parts. I consider using the appropriate flags as the 'more correct' answer, as these will handle all SQL-MM curve types, while using the MULTIPOLYGON option fails for when a non-linear type can only be approximated as a LineString. The first coordinate pair matches one halfway down the list which should be the closing vertex to create the full polygon. exportToGeoJSON() # check if feature geometry is multipart if geom. js or at the Linux command-line)? Things get really tricky when there's a MultiPolygon consisting of Polygons AND other Multipolygons. In GDAL, you can use the ogr2ogr command line tool to convert a multipolygon shapefile to a polygon shapefile. Above is general-purpose MultiPolygon to Polygon conversion source made in Python. I'm not dealing with inner rings in this situation and instead, only dealing with separate polygons that are part of the same feature. You can do that using attribute geoms of MultiPolygon. But no matter what, the geometry type is set as Polygon. To generate a Polygon GeoJSON file (rather than a MultiPolygon GeoJSON file) you can use the "Multipart to Singleparts" tool from the "Vector"/"Geometry" menu, choosing "Save to file" option Jun 12, 2019 · This code will generate a single MULTIPOLYGON feature (new_polygons has one row). a fence surrounding a property, tagged on the way Jan 4, 2021 · GeoPandas spatial join polygons within larger polygon/multipolygon Hot Network Questions Relatively recent sci-fi fantasy novel where the spaceship is alive and the magician/commander contains seven different versions of himself May 24, 2018 · How can I overcome these issues? I thought of changing the bbox of the multipolygon object in order to make the missing points appear in the second plot but I couldn't find a way for this. isMultipart(): new_features When converting mixed, GEOMETRY sets, it may help to first convert to the MULTI-type, see examples. In other words, a multipolygon is a collection of polygons that can be stitched together to form a larger polygon. Coordinates) {. The best is to do a unary union on a list of geometries, which may result in different geometry types, such as MultiPolygon, but it not always. ) To create multipart features from existing polygons by Dec 1, 2017 · I need to read in GeoJSON files and be able to convert any (Multi)Polygons into LineStrings and MultiLineStrings so I can rasterize just the boundary or outline of the (Multi)Polygons onto GeoTIFFs (this includes exterior and interior polygons) and not have it fill in the entire shape. 1))] ) ]) >>> len(ob. The st_read() function has a parameter for this: promote_to_multi logical; in case of a mix of Point and MultiPoint, or of LineString and MultiLineString, or of Polygon and MultiPolygon, convert all to the Multi variety; defaults to TRUE. In practice, you probably want your geometries in the GeoDataFrame to be polygons, rather than multipolygons, but they aren't. 9. geom/MultiPolygon. Each row containing a multi-part geometry will be split into. It finds the closest points of each polygon and then redraws the polygons with a single line connecting the two. That may not matter for your use case. The WKT of the polygon is as below. Most of the output feature types will be the same as input (input polygons remain polygons; input lines remain lines). CREATE RULE insert_geom_to_myview AS ON INSERT TO myview. Then you can loop on them to perform your intersection. exterior. I'm trying to turn these points into polygons, but I've had a lot of trouble with different methods in both sf and sp — currently I have them as a large sf dataframe, but I can't seem to find any function that would use a grouping variable to create polygons. shp -explodecollections. May 29, 2021 · I'm trying to cast a shapefile as a multipolygon using either of the following arguments from st_read() function: promote_to_multi=TRUE and\or. If it's enough to fill the holes of some MultiPolygon m, you could do this: no_holes = MultiPolygon(Polygon(p. But the result is unexpected. DO instead UPDATE mytable set geom = "add_new_polygon_to_multipolygon". Click OK. Jul 20, 2021 · If you want to Ignore the edge cases, and get only the First (or only) Polygon, from the MultiPolygon geometry, then you need to use the ST_GeometryN() function. Orient coordinates according to the right-hand rule (counter-clockwise for exterior and clockwise for interior rings). geoms: print(poly) Also if you are not specifically iterating through the polygons it might have to do with other libraries being outdated and calling a shapely 2. Apr 10, 2018 · I have PostGIS database table with geometry records containing MultiPoint. 7. Aug 25, 2018 at 4:50. Append point to the interior ring of the first polygon. I need UNION all off those polygons to one multipolygon and get result that looks like this. A query like the following will give you the geometry as Polygons. Construct a multi_polygon containing two polygons, using C++11 unified initialization syntax. A dialog would pop up. I have an sf object of many distinct features that I'm trying to use sf::st_union() to merge into a single feature. geom = MultiPolygon([o. See here and here. polygon]) o. concatenate it with other polygons displayed as text. Is there a way to clear the constraint, so as to store both multipolygon and polygon type data? Feb 7, 2019 · If the feature is already a MultiPolygon, MultiPolygon(feature) is harmless, but MultiPolygon([feature]) will extract only one polygon part from the multipart feature, and drop all others. You might be able to do mp <- sf::st_multipolygon(x = list(as. Vector->Geometry Tools->Single parts to Multipart. A MultiPolygon instance is accepted one of the following conditions is met. Jul 24, 2018 · geopandas uses fiona for data conversion ,fiona has drivers to do so e. For that use getLinearGeometry(). matrix(sec1), as. Dec 1, 2020 · Description. geoms[0]) == Polygon True. coords [:-1]) Note the [:-1] which prevents duplicating the first vertex. Resize a container of interior rings of the first polygon. Note that each polygon may have multiple parts with the first being the exterior ring and the others as interior rings or holes. geometry import Polygon from shapely. 3. Usage. Sample Apr 21, 2016 · Before you do anything, make a flat list of geometries: myGeomList = [x[0] for x in myList] There are actually a few options to combine them. Buffer(x)); Aug 13, 2021 · How do I split a multipart polygon which consists of several polygons into singlepart polygons so I can delete each polygon without deleting them all at one time? I am using ArcMap 10. save() (Untested: You might be able to use Region. – May 16, 2022 · FROM mytable a; I want to declare a rule on that view, that I can perform an update operation on mytable in order that a newly added polygon gets added to the multipolygon column. Can this be "cleaned up" without any loss of information? May 13, 2019 · What you need to do for the purpose of plotting is to use st_cast to split your MULTIPOLYGON geometries into multiple POLYGON geometries. xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = m. currentLayer() features = layer. show() Notice that the values of the polygon geometries do not directly represent the values of latitude or longitude in a geographic coordinate system. , removing unnecessary json tags) other than limiting the number of Polygon elements per MultiPolygon geometry. This is about 5x faster than the previously suggested solution of first having to create several polygon objects and then creating the multipolygon object from those. 2,0. I'd like to convert the MultiPolygons to Polygons as I am having issues with running some spatial functions on the data. I've tried using the st_cast method, the general idea being. polypoints Aug 1, 2016 · Then if my understanding is correct, your 2nd loop is a workaround for the need to pass only Polygons to turf. 4. Note that the polygon with a hole has an area that is the area of the outer shell (a 10x10 square) minus the area of the hole (a 1x1 square). the issue with the (ST_Dump(geom)). Since the lines don't actually form the boundary of the areas you're going to have some difficulty getting a perfect coverage of polygons from the data. If speed is an issue, it is faster to create the multipolygon from the raw coordinates. Oct 1, 2019 · 3. Looks like it has to be two at a time - so this will work: union = turf. You can use Geopandas explode(). ((40 40, 20 45, 45 30, 40 40)), ((20 35, 10 30, 10 10, 30 5, 45 20, 20 35), (30 Mar 19, 2019 · So, I have a several polygons . This method should only be called if the multisurface actually only contains instances of OGRPolygon. May 30, 2022 · geometry in my geopandas dataframe is of type Polygon and MultiPolygon. DB looks like this. Feb 10, 2016 · In order to get the exterior coordinates I need to convert a shapely MultiPolygon to a Polygon. The polygons must conform to the assertions specified in the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL. "id" and "test" are the values for each row in the original table. geometry. The list comprehension Sep 25, 2018 · A more subtle issue is the design and semantics of a GeometryCollection of Polygon vs. extend (polygon. right. If that Oct 5, 2020 · MultiPolygon geometry as defined in RFC7946 is an array of Polygon coordinate arrays, so must iterate over this array of arrays to get each of the polygons. Union(IGeometry) method to merge these three into single. We can calculate the area of our polygons using the area function: SELECT name, ST_Area(geom) FROM geometries WHERE name LIKE 'Polygon%'; Polygon 1 PolygonWithHole 99. Is there another way to convert a sf object from polygon to multypolygon in R? Sep 20, 2020 · Code for converting Multi to Single Polygon. MultiPolygon. generate_series creates a series of numbers from 1 to the number of geometries in Jul 24, 2018 · geopandas uses fiona for data conversion ,fiona has drivers to do so e. The issues remains though. Is there a simple way to cast a single polygon into MultiPolygon? Nov 15, 2018 · #POLYGON ((# is the proper form for single-part polygons. They can also be useful to make the distinction between linear objects (e. EDIT. coords of each polygon. g: poly_1_interior) represents the coordinates for the interior (holes) if there are any. json " contains one multipolygon as can be seen from the ogr2ogr report: Layer name: OGRGeoJSON Geometry: Multi Polygon Feature Count: 1 Mar 7, 2018 · Create and run a migration to add the new multipolygon field. matrix(sec2)), and then sf::st_sfc(mp) – SymbolixAU. When I try st_area(geometry), I get 0. How can I do this (preferably in Node. I tried out my approach with the Multi Part Polygon of next image: The following code did the work: layer = iface. FROM multi. MULTIPOLYGON (. mapCanvas(). Plot from the original dataset. [3]: df. EDIT2. 0. I have access to QGIS or ArcGIS, but welcome answers in other software as well. now my dput looks like > dput (sec1) list (c (10. Returns the geometry as a MULTI* geometry collection. py, delete the original field and remove null=True; create a migration. the st_cast method for sf objects can only split geometries, e. From Advanced Editing Toolbar, Click Merge Selected Features icon. xy elif poly. shp -dialect sqlite -sql "select st_union(geometry) from mix" The result "union. In case of splitting, attributes are repeated and a warning is issued when non-constant attributes are assigned to sub-geometries. geoms) 1 >>> type(ob. To Jan 4, 2018 · 6. But then there will be a ClassCastException. 0, 0. For more information on accepted Polygon instances, see Polygon. If your mixture of polygons and multipolygons is in file "mix. You can remove it if you'd like to have a cleaner syntax and don't care about having one duplicate 5. convert it to geometry type. multiple rows with single geometries, thereby increasing the vertical. Draw the sketch of the next part, and finish the sketch when you are done creating all the parts. g creating shapefile,geojson etc from geodataframe. You should iterate over those polygons. # S3 method for MULTIPOLYGON st_cast(x, to, ) # S3 method for MULTILINESTRING st_cast(x, to, ) # S3 method for MULTIPOINT st_cast(x, to, ) # S3 method for POLYGON st_cast(x, to, ) # S3 method for LINESTRING st_cast(x, to, ) # S3 method for POINT st_cast(x, to, ) Construct a MultiPolygon from a sequence of coordinate tuples. Returns a double-precision number indicating the area of the Polygon or MultiPolygon argument, as measured in its spatial reference system. How to convert it to MultiPolygon to calculate covered area if we assume that a point Apr 14, 2019 · Given a Shapely MultiPolygon, how can I extract the biggest Polygon? For example, given a MultiPolygon as follows: from shapely. boolean | undefined. SetSrid(4326); sqlbuilder. Maybe it's best if you edit your question with an example of your data. Apr 23, 2019 · 2. Multiple polygon features (Polygon) The Multiple polygon features builder generates a polygon feature that is coincident with a sketched primary polygon feature. sf(dd, "POLYGON") : repeating attributes for all sub-geometries for which they may not be constant Now if you really want those 3 POLYGON features to be 3 MULTIPOLYGON features then cast to MULTIPOLYGON, which works on each one separately: I have a MultiPolygon representation of some shapes in POSTGIS, I am trying to convert them to Polygon data. geom), 0. If you export a geometry fashioned from a degenerate MULTIPOLYGON as WKT, it should show POLYGON on output. objects. 14. I am using IGeometry. 0)), [((0. Resize a multi_polygon, store two polygons. Any help is appreciated. Append point to the exterior ring of the first polygon. May 24, 2023 · Warning message: In st_cast. bufferZonePoints. You can use ST_ConcaveHull to get approximate polygon. This builder is available to feature templates that create polygon features when a group template is configured with the following settings: The primary template creates polygon features. The solution. A multipolygon is a sequence of polygons, and it is the polygon object that has the exterior attribute. A single polygon can’t be casted into a MultiPolygon. I tried, st_geometryn(r. Use this way: Mar 27, 2020 · When you convert a Polygon shapefile to a GeoJSON file, a MultiPolygon is used for each feature to ensure that the feature geometry can be correctly saved. Apr 12, 2021 · @radouxju I added the extra -nlt flag, which has the same effect, and a note about using the MULTIPOLYGON option. Another possibility is building a line voronoi using the faces and assign faces to categories based on what lines fall within the faces. What I'm expecting to see is something in the form below (from Wikipedia): MULTIPOLYGON (((40 40, 20 45, 45 Sep 3, 2018 · I need to convert it to a Polygon feature class/shapefile. 2. Then you can select your features in edit mode and merge them (command "Merge selected features"). json mix. type=0. There seems to be an ambiguity in the turf docs concerning union regarding the number of polygons that can be passed as arguments. You could create for each value in a column, a list of the values that had the Polygons; or use the attribute table as a relational DB and create another file with each small polygon and the ID to link to the Multipolygon file. 0), (1. geometry import MultiPolygon lat_point_list = [0, 0, 0, 5, 9, 11, 7, 3, 9, 0, 0, 0] lon_point_list = [438, 428, 427, 428, 434, 439, 443, 446, 448, 452, 452, 449] polygon_geom = Polygon(zip(lon_point_list, lat_point_list)) multipolygon_geom = MultiPolygon([polygon_geom]) I'd like to create a single, large MultiPolygon from the individual MultiPolygons and Polygons. Shapely MultiPolygon object has Polygon object sequence. BeginGeography(OpenGisGeographyType. update() instead) In models. Tried ST_ConcaveHull(ST_Collect(r. g: poly_1) represents the coordinates for the exterior of a Polygon. add 'MULTIPOLYGON' text before. I don't understand why you want to use a MultiPolygon for this, though, since you only seem to have one polygon. 2), (0. Just returns a partial. By default, this will warn that you are copying attributes (here the id) across geometries, which is fine in this case but might cause errors depending on the attribute (don't copy a measurement like area!) May 19, 2020 · QGIS converts your polygons automatically and even transforms your CRS if necessary. postgis. Your list_polygons is actually a list of strings, you need to turn them into polygons and then use the MultiPolygon constructor to create what you need: import shapely. To further complicate it, there is the issue of explicit holes defined in the Polygon vs. list_string = [. Unless otherwise specified, functions in this section handle their geometry arguments as follows: If any argument is NULL or any geometry argument is an empty geometry, the return value is NULL . – Mar 5, 2021 · I found this post, How to add multiple polygons in leaflet map using r loop?, but am still having trouble with this particular issue since I am trying create multiple polygons from total_ERCOT, head included below, by fuel type without having to subset the data into smaller data sets (ERCOT_gas, ERCOT_wind, etc. Functions in this section return properties of Polygon or MultiPolygon values. I found a way using SqlGeographyBuilder, there may be a more efficient way but this works: List<SqlGeography> areaPolygons = GetAreaPolygons() SqlGeography multiPoly = null; SqlGeographyBuilder sqlbuilder = new SqlGeographyBuilder(); sqlbuilder. Cast to multipolygon. In Visual it looks like below. For arguments of dimension 0 or 1, the result is 0. geometry import MultiPolygon. Mar 21, 2024 · The multipolygon relation is used to represent complex areas. geometry(MultiPolygon,4326) I was able to get the sql code and if I execute it I get the same error, of course :), and the sql code is: CREATE SCHEMA ch01; ALTER SCHEMA ch01 OWNER TO db_user; SET search_path = ch01, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; Oct 2, 2019 · 19. 512566195987), c (10. Oct 18, 2015 · In PyQGIS, you only need to convert from Multi Part to Single Part. 0), (0. Just iterate the multipolygon's points and apply a buffer to each point using the buffer method: var bufferZonePoints = new List<IGeometry>(); foreach(var point in multiPolygon. if you need to chack drivers in fiona just Aug 25, 2018 · Aug 25, 2018 at 4:39. bounds. I have tried the code from this si A polygon is a closed, two-dimensional shape with at least three sides. geom, 1) but that didnt work because the way polygons are embedded I think. ops import unary_union. This can be verified if hasCurveGeometry(TRUE) returns FALSE. 0 version. However, you say that you only want a multipart polygon Jan 22, 2023 · cells_to_multipolygon: Get geometry for a set of H3 cells; cell_to_childpos: Cell to Child position; cell_to_children_size: Cell to children size; cell_to_line: Convert H3 cell indexes to a line; cell_to_point: Convert H3 cell index to point location; cell_to_polygon: Get the boundary of an H3 cell index; cell_to_splitlong: H3 cell to split long Sep 2, 2019 · That being said there are "workarounds". Mar 4, 2019 · If now all polygons are overlapping only a single polygon will be returned. You need to iterate through the polygons of the multipolygon, and get exterior. e. For example, you may want to gather the Polygons denoting a group of properties in a particular municipality. 5122294885443 ), c (10. . Assuming that you have a numbers table (look here for what this is and other examples where this might be useful), you can do something like this: declare @g geometry = geometry::STGeomFromText('. exterior) for p in m) If you also need to fill the holes that arise from touching Polygons inside your MultiPolygon, the following should work: # Create a polygon `b` that contains `m`. answered Nov 8, 2023 at 11:08. By general-purpose, I mean it doesn't manipulate any filesize reduction processes (e. Create a data migration and use RunPython to copy your data: for o in Region. I tried use ST_UNION but result was like that. wkt as wkt. Tried: SELECT f. Name. Type. 7810113472407, 76. 77996083, 76. 16. A multipolygon may have only one exterior ring. I do it like this: if poly. Apr 27, 2017 · What happens to a GeoJSON MultiPolygon containing Polygons with overlapping subareas will be tool-dependant (most often layered areas with different opacity, or a simplified union removing duplicate subareas to fill them once, or rarely a hole). union(union, hole[i]); Kinda like an onion if the core of an onion had random shapes in it. getFeatures() for feature in features: geom = feature. Accepted Instances. If the geometry is already a collection, it is returned unchanged. intersect, and not MultiPolygons? In that case you would need first to properly convert your MutiPolygon into a collection or array of Features with a Polygon geometry each. Aug 13, 2016 · for poly in multipolygon: print(poly) The correct way of doing it since 2. Some processes or tools generates geometry as multipart type - e. a collection of implicitly "layered" Polygon that are post-processed outside of the DB by geo software. The same applies to MULTILINESTRING and MULTIPOINT. from shapely. (A shortcut to the Finish Part command is to hold down the SHIFT key and click. The first list amongst the two (e. SELECT ST_ASTEXT(ST_UNION(coord)::geography) from sel_pai_coord My tables : May 13, 2014 · LINE 19: geom public. explode() copying from docstring: Explode muti-part geometries into multiple single geometries. Description. 4 Polygon and MultiPolygon Property Functions. qa qa ta tn sc uo np lm qa mh